Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Tomato World and Aubergines

Although it would seem on first viewing this blog entry that we have spent the day at a theme park, Tomato World is in fact an information centre for the industry based at Honselersdjyk.

Here we were able to gain a better understanding of the broader industry, as well as being able to observe 64 different Tomato varieties that varied in both size and colour. And the best bit was that we could also taste test the Tomatoes!

Tomatoes are not always red

Tomato World also houses a trial nursery that grows all of the varieties that we observed, so we could see first hand the differing growth habits of the various varieties.

As regullar followers of this blog will have realized we follow a simple equation when visiting Tomato growing areas which is Chisholm Student + Glasshouse = Need to wear PPE
So here we are again, but this time wearing some rather trendy lab coats and blue overshoes!

Our last visit for the day saw us looking around the glasshouses of Aubergine Growers, Van Luyk at Wateringen. This is a 2.5 hectare glasshouse totally dedicate to Aubergine production.

The facility has a high degree of mechanisation in relation to product movement and packaging. Her we observed the packaging equipment, and also the industry speed for packing, which was effectivly a box packed every 30 seconds.

We were also able to spend some time discussing the growing techniques for Aubergine which will be very helpful for us all as we trial Aubergine growing in the Chisholm Glasshouse this year.

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